Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Veterans and other Campaign Basics

Each faction will have a Warmaster, who is in charge of his subordinate Generals.

Each general (or, y'know. Player.) Each Player will create an army list. For the Practice/Starter campaign we'll run first, it'll be 6,000 pts. From this list, your TO&E/Warhost list, you will create field-legal lists for use in battles.

When a unit is wiped out, or the vehicle is destroyed/explodes, it is removed from your list forever.

But, a Veteran unit is different. A unit gains veteran status when it:

  • Performs a successful sweeping advance on the enemy.
  • Caused multiple enemy units to fall back from shooting attacks in the same battle.
  • Use shooting attacks to wipe out an enemy infantry unit that began that shooting phase with more than half of its' strenght
  • Killed an enemy HQ character
  • Destroyed another enemy veteran unit.

Roll a Leadership test for the unit in question (Maybe? I'm not sure if we want it to be an automatic thing that happens, or if you should test for it.) If they pass, you then choose a classification of veterancy (Recon, Melee, Gunnery), or Monstrous Creature (if you are one), Vehicle (if you... are one), or HQ Character. Note that if you roll and get an ability that doesn't benefit your unit, immediately add or subtract one from the roll to get a different one.

Recon Veteran
  1. Infiltrate
  2. Move through cover + Skilled Rider
  3. Stealth
  4. Scouts
  5. Fleet
  6. Fearless
Melee Veteran
  1. +1 Weapon Skill
  2. Counterattack
  3. Hit and Run
  4. Preferred Enemy (against w/e army they are engaged against, i.e. whoever they destroyed to gain veteran status. That's who they're preferred enemy against.)
  5. Furious Charge
  6. -1 to Enemy's Leadership value during assaults
Gunnery Veterans
  1. +1 BS
  2. Relentless
  3. Tank Hunters
  4. +d6 to weapons range each turn
  5. Any special weapons in the unit are twin-linked
  6. Any heavy weapons in the unit are twin-linked
Vehicle Veteran
  1. +1 Ballistic Skill
  2. Ignore Difficult and Dangerous terrain, and may still move up to d6" immediately after suffering an Immobilized result.
  3. The vehicles Tank Shock inflicts a -2 penalty on the enemy's Ldrship, and it rams at +2 Strenght
  4. Ignore Shaken and Stunned results
  5. +d6 to one weapons range each turn.
  6. +1 Armor Value to a single facing, up to 14.
Monstrous Creature Veteran
  1. Horrifying, unit inflicts -1 Ldrship to any enemies within 12"
  2. Overpowering- Fearless units may still be victims of Sweeping Advance from this Monstrous Creature.
  3. Overpowering-as above
  4.  Gain +1 wound
  5.  Gain "It Will Not Die"
  6. +d3 attacks on the charge
HQ Character Veteran
  1. "Not without my men!" In battles where this model is present, any unit that is destroyed within 12" of this character may roll a d6: On a 5+, the unit is Not removed from the warhost list.
  2. If killed, Leader model remains in place as an objective afterward during objective missions
  3. Martyr: If killed, all friendly models within 12" gain Hatred (enemy faction that killed said HQ character) for the remainder of the battle.
  4. Eternal Warrior
  5. Zealot
  6. Strategic Genius- Ok guys, would we prefer this let you 1) re-roll reserve rolls 2) re-roll the dice for outflanking, or 3) allow you to re-deploy a unit up to 12" from where it started after your opponent is done deploying?
You only gain veteran status once per unit.

Special Casualties: When a special character is destroyed or leaves the table during a battle, they are not instantly destroyed. Instead, roll a d6. If the model is a special character, on a roll of 2 or better, it survives, having only been temporarily injured. If the model is just an independent character, this roll requires a 4+.


Live to fight another day- In normal 40k games, attrition isn't a problem, your models will still be on the shelf at the end of the day. In a campaign, a unit, once lost, is gone for good. Because of this, continually feeding your troops into a meatgrinder can be detrimental to future endeavors. For this reason, one unit per turn may choose to fall back automatically during the shooting phase in lieu of any other actions. WHen a unit attempts to flee this way, it falls back just as if it had failed a moral check. This unit, however, does not ever regroup under any circumstances; it continues to run until it reaches the board edge and leaves the table. Assuming it is in good condition and has only lost a few troops, your unit will live to fight another day. Sometimes, however, the long trip to safety might see them take a few more casualties... turn your back to the enemy at your own risk!

Survival of the Fittest- If a nit is destroyed via sweeping advance or is otherwise wiped from the table, then this unit is removed from that player's warhost list, never to return. The same is true of vehicels that suffer Destroyed or Explodes results on the damage chart, or lose all their hull points. Units under half strength that flee the table or are falling back at the end of a battle suffer this fate as well.

However, units that flee at Above half strength Will survive, and are Not removed. Similarly, veteran units and HQ units may only ever be removed from a warhost list after a roll of 4+.

You can take allies in your battle-field lists... Provided that they are actually FROM your allies in the campaign. Those units on the tabletop are subject to the allies-chart things in the book. If you want to field your buddy's troops as allies but they're listed as "Desperate Allies,"then you're subject to the "One Eye Open" rule on page 112 of the big rulebook.

The beauty of this is that it relies on you maintaining the good-will of your fellow generals. If you throw away those Terminator squads you had loaned to you, it'll probably be a cold day in hell before you get any more support.

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